A photo of some frescos depicting different events.
A photo of a fresco depicting a group of people.
A photo in a church of a stone arch with frescos.
A photo of a fresco depicting a group of people in the street.
A photo of a fresco showing an angel and two naked people.

Lita’s Florence “Drive By”

Jul 09 2010

I did a “drive by” to Florence to revisit the Brancacci Chapel (Capella dei Brancacci) in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine.

In 1989 when the Chapel was being restored I was lucky enough to be part of a small group that was invited to view the chapel by the Superintendent of Art of Florence. Seven of us climbed up scafolds to get the closest view of these amazing frescoes by Massacio, Masolino and Filipo Lippi. The images are permanently etched in my memory and to have seen them from a few inches away was one of the best gifts of my life. I have to return from time to time to see them, only now it is always with my two feet on the ground.

It is these works by Massacio that influenced Michelangelo and many of his contemporaries.

St. Peter Healing the Sick with his Shadow
Peter’s Calling
The Tribute Money
The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

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