three women funday
beach and wood trunks
three women and a man in front of a beach
Three woman seated around green plants
two women with sunglasses
four women smiling
four women posing indoors

Workshop Diary: Funday

Jun 02 2014

By Mariela D. Morel​

This morning, my Sunday to Funday was a complete success. The beautiful and privileged city of Rome, awakened the great desire to attend mass! Thanks to a wonderful friend and bishop, Mons. Octavio Ruiz, prepared a very solemn mass at a small chapel.

After a pick-up at the hotel, some classmates [Jennifer Luckay, Renata Masini, Lucy Li] and I were delighted with an awesome visit to Vatican City! Thrilled! Of course, we couldn’t resist to look closely into their typo-graphics (Mons. Octavio couldn’t understand why:) and enormous structures relating them to what we have learned in class.

Our next trip was an hour away but it was WORTH it! We met different cities along the lake such as Lake Braccio, Braccio City and Citta de Anguillara S. Some have a medieval style from the 14th or 15th century conserving beautiful small roads with hidden stairs and large wooden doors. The view, the food, and simply the environment marked a huge difference in-comparison to the main city. Much more peaceful and laid back! This trip helped me appreciate life and His perfect brush! — Wherever you are, B E  A L L  T H E R E !

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