Studio Visit: Juan Diego Soto at FCB
Victoria Holod
Kicking off the first week back from spring break, our first years ventured out to meet with our ’06 alumnus, Juan Diego Soto at FCB (Foote, Cone, and Belding). Diego is currently the VP, Branding Design Director at BX Brand Experience Design Group. BX is a branding agency focusing on the visual, verbal and sensory identities that elevate health and wellness brands.
Diego, along with two of his colleagues – Caroline Godfrey, Branding Planning Director, and Ina Dimitrova, Design Director – took the time to walk our students through their creative strategy, showing a few different case studies. They described the process from the moment they received the assignment to the final delivery, which was tremendously helpful to see and learn from.
Thank you so much. It was such a wonderful visit and really special for our students to meet with an alumna.