a gradient image from yellow on the left side to orange on the right side
many parts of a hexagonal orange pencil shape illustration are put inside rectangles framed with an orange outline
3d models of an orange pencil made with hexagonal shapes, and different parts of the pencil, like rubber, metal support for the rubber, and the sharp tip of the pencil
a silver paper clip, a silver screwdriver, a yellow post-it paper, an orange pencil, a white and red stripe straw, grey tape, and brown elastic bands
a wooden box with a hexagonal pencil shape, a red rubber shape, and a grey square shape
an orange pencil with a red rubber at one end
an array of pencil illustrations from yellow to orange
a black baseball cap with the illustration of an orange pencil made with a hexagonal shape
t-shirts with yellow hexagonal pencil shapes and a red rounded rubber shape
a pencil and the rubber at the end of the pencil draw with hexagonal and square shapes, with orange, grey, and red
the common spectacle logo written with a cursive typeface



The Common Spectacle is a lifestyle brand grown out of the celebration of commonplace tools. The attitude and sensibilities that shape the identity of this brand derive from a passion for the beauty and spectacular nature of common place tools. The first collection released from The Common Spectacle is a celebration of the yellow no. 2 pencil. Offering a variety of limited edition products from custom made pencils packaged in cedar pencil boxes, to silkscreened t-shirts, prints, vinyl wall
graphics, amongst other accessories, The Common Spectacle is on a mission to change the way people perceive the “mundane”, and awaken their curiousity of the functional and cultural treasures that are right in front of us.

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