portrait of a man with a black cloth and white long hair and beard holding a videotape in his hand
still nature on a table with flowers held in a tall vase, on videotapes, and glued on a reflective metal sheet
miscellaneous objects floating on water in a rectangle white recipient
close-up of flowers held in color printer cartages
a small violet flower with green leaves coming through a white wall
bronze clock with hour flower on the minute needle

A Vase By Any Other Name

Feb 10 2014

Photos by Thomas Strobel

In preparation for the MFAD first year exhibition this Spring (TBA), Kevin O’Callaghan’s 3D class was tasked to create a vase. Not just any vase. But a vase that is not a vase. But now it is. Here are some of the examples presented by Leonardo DaVinci’s twin.

Stay tuned for a full catalog of vases and their designers.


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