photo of a woman resting her arm on a glass surface
composite image of a woman resting on her back and holding a part of a hand, and next to her are the feet of another person
a book inside a glass box
the art room exhibition gallery
the art room exhibition gallery
four illustrations framed in a white wooden frame are installed on a wall

A White Asylum Premieres

Oct 31 2014

“Now in its second year, Contemporary Art Platform in Kuwait presents second year Thesis student Najeebah Al-Ghadban’s first solo show A White Asylum, featuring a body of collage and assemblage works that developed from the artist’s continuous exploration of the human psyche. This series of portraits depicts the vulnerability of human emotions, utilizing shadows and industrial tools to emphasize the discordance between expressions of heart and entrapment of mind.

The white of the asylum measures the space of existence: the white light of the hereafter, or the white walls of now. The ‘asylum’ holds the faces, the bodies, the hands,and the scenes: the loveless lovers, the modern mythic battles, the liars and the cheats, but most significantly, the alone. Whether the nameless of the asylum are confined to the id of one mind, or whether they are united simply by the archetype of their dysfunction, is for the viewer to decide.”

Exhibition Dates: October 26, 2014 — November 5, 2014
Gallery Location: Contemporary Art Platform in Kuwait

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