A black and white photo of a musical gig poster with text: You Play The Fool Again.
A black and white print with stylized words Black Gold and Idols in a circle and a line under.

Alumni Flip Over Video

Nov 19 2009

Drawing on their experience from Gail Anderson’s Just Type class, a new video created by MFAD alumni uses the visual vocabulary of music posters and album covers to echo the story of a band from humble beginnings to stardom. It was produced on a small budget using Nikon D90 and FlipMotion cameras. It was co-directed and co-animated by Joshua Hester (MFAD ’08) (joshuahester.com) and Tamara Gildengers Connolly (MFAD ’08) (gildengersconnolly.com). Client: Red Bull Records for Black Gold

see video here:


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