people talking and having a drink at the exhibition gallery
portrait of a taller woman resting her hand on the head of a shorter man
photo of some a few students talking to each other in the exhibition gallery
photo of two people talking at the exhibition gallery
portrait of a woman laughing and a man in a green shirt next to her
group photo of three students at the exhibition gallery
three-girls group portrait
group portrait of students at the exhibition gallery

And We’re Off and Running . . .

Sep 04 2013

Photos by Esther Ro Scofield

The class of 2014 welcomed the class of 2015 to the first day of the new semester. CoChairs and Faculty regaled the assembled MFAD community with their plans for the next two semesters. Then the orientation reception brought the students together, followed by the traditional first and second year bar-fest meet-up. And so let the games commence.


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