A wooden mouse trap with engraved text: Acme Brand Mouse Traps.

Buck Family Scholarship Announced

Oct 22 2010

We are pleased to announce The Christopher E. and Deborah J. Buck Award presented to eligible graduating students to aid in the further development of their thesis projects.

MFAD is committed to building the better mousetrap. But often a uniquely viable idea is hamstrung for lack of funding. This generous gift from MFA Design faculty member Deborah Buck will be awarded to students who convincingly demonstrate that their thesis project shows real potential to make a significant mark on commerce, culture, or society, which is the goal of the MFA Design program.

An individual student can receive as much as $25,000. The application must show the further steps required to realize the thesis and how this grant in aid is essential to transform a good idea into a fully fabricated product.

Awardees will be selected by MFA Designer as Author faculty members, including Deborah Buck, Ken Carbone and Jennifer Kinon (MFAD ’03) along with co-chairs Steven Heller and Lita Talarico.

Students are required to submit their thesis in development, one or more prototypes of their project, a fabrication and development strategy, and a schedule of deliverables. Recipients must follow a predetermined plan of action in order to receive the funds.

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