Brandon Joseph
Brandon Joseph
Brandon Joseph
Brandon Joseph
Brandon Joseph

Class 2021: Meet Brandon Joseph

Sep 17 2019

Home: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Web:

Imagine earth without water. The soil, with no water in it and nothing growing on it! Barren land! It would be lifeless, dead, collapsed into dust, sand, clay or rock. Clouds float into our lives bringing in rain enriching it with the sight of magnanimous rainbows and the warming fragrance of wet soil. Water is neutral, it adapts to its surroundings and reciprocates purely based on how the elements in that surrounding react to it. Water can be as calm as the ocean or as harsh as a tsunami and yet we constantly contaminate it in so many different ways. In the past decade, we have seen its rage in the form of floods in some places while scarcity in others. I now present to you my depiction of water, man made causes of water disasters and my hopeful quest of influencing an ideal world where water is preserved and valued with cleanliness using human experience, logical reasoning and visual impact.

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