Eunji Kim
Eunji Kim
Eunji Kim
Eunji Kim
Eunji Kim
picture Eunji Kim smiling at the beach

Class 2021: Meet Eunji Kim

Sep 18 2019

Home: Seoul, South Korea Web:

My name is Eunji Kim and I am from Seoul, South Korea. I studied Media Interaction Design in Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul. After graduating, I worked as a freelance designer.

These days, a lot of people are obsessed with their smartphones. It can even feel uncomfortable if we don’t have smartphones in our hands. The swipes or taps that people make on their smartphones can be somewhat useless or wasteful. It disappears into the air without leaving any marks. However, the touch gestures people make every day can become great artwork. Even people who do not know how to draw or paint can be artists too. The application “Fin Art” automatically detects the person’s touch gestures and analyzes them to make them into a work of art. I also wanted to make a typeface with the touch patterns that are consumed every day by lots of people.

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