Vicky Chong
Vicky Chong
Vicky Chong
Vicky Chong
Vicky Chong
Vicky Chong

Class 2021: Meet Kakei (Vicky) Chong

Sep 16 2019

Home: Macau, China Web:

I earned my Bachelor’s degree from the University of San Francisco under marketing major and design minor. With my dual background, I started her career as a designer working closely with the marketing and engineering team. working experiences were mostly with tech startups, such as AdStage and BorderxLab in the SF bay area. I was also a founding member of Neighbor.Inc. As a designer, I believe that design evokes people’s empathy, also voices for unaware population and social issues.

Stamp4rt is one of my favorite projects, which aims to bring up attention to design importance and influences. Stamp4rt is a collection of stamp design serving as a carrier for a significant era. It encompasses former visual elements, the stylistic themes with deliberate proportion and color usage to deliver the rich message and historical background in such a ‘miniature’. Stamp4rt will be implemented on parcel mailing, using technology supports as a sharing medium of rediscovering history and creating new forms of message spreads. I want to preserve the traditions innovatively.

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