Renee Freiha magazine cover
Renee Freiha magazine spreads
Renee Freiha magazine spread
Renee Freiha magazine spread
Renee Freiha magazine spread
Renee Freiha magazine spread
Renee Freiha portrait

Class 2021: Meet Renee Freiha

Sep 19 2019

Home: Lebanon/Korea. Web:

Tacit is a sociopolitical magazine that takes you on a tour of Lebanon, from day to night. It was a group project done during my time at the American University of Beirut. Tacit takes the reader on a tour of Lebanon without highlighting a single touristic sight. Instead, readers are taken through a journey of Lebanese society and politics by telling a story through the country’s streets.

The magazine helps you understand that you can pinpoint your location based on street vendors who have conquered the same territory for years. It also teaches you how to find towns that aren’t conservative enough to serve alcohol. You start to understand that through endless political campaign posters covering a town’s walls, you can see what political parties a town pledges its allegiance to. The streets in Beirut tell a story, and Tacit aims to tell that story.”

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