alphabet design
book design
book design
book design
book design
book design
Rohan Rege

Class 2021: Meet Rohan Rege

Oct 02 2019

City : Mumbai, India

On one of my many web surfing nights, I stumbled upon the Flickr group titled “Those White Plastic Chairs”. I was mesmerised by the factory-born utopian charm of the Monobloc chair. I created an alphabet for a type class back home, to explore its ubiquity and accessible leisure.

It’s an immortal object that stands alone. It exists all over the world, free of context or culture. You cannot tell when or where by looking at a picture of one. It has become an icon of modernity and globalisation for its efficient, stackable qualities.

And it perhaps — heroically so — absorbs half of the world’s farts.  I still find it amazing that all of the world sits on a chair no one really notices.

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