close photo of two persons hugging
photo of two persons hugging
a young woman reading from a piece of paper in front of the class
image of a man opening a small box and a woman standing next to him
people picking up books and booklets from a table near a wall
a person cutting a celebration cake with a knife
snapshot of people in a class having cake and beverages
group photo of three women and a man
photo of a man and a woman
overview photo of the class and the students

Class of 2014 Takes the Cake

May 07 2014

Photos by Esther Ro-Schofield

The Class of 2014 takes the cake for VENTURE, a incredibly strong Thesis Forum and on May 12 they will do likewise with VENTURE the Thesis Launch and Celebration. On Monday, May 5 they each turned in their final Pitch Books, the last requirement prior to receiving their MFA in Design. They also played “Secret Santa” (which goes to show how cold the Spring has been).


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