A photo of three objects made from glass.
A photo of three glass objects that look like figurines.
A photo of a girl smiling and wearing a dress.

Class of 2017: Jee Eun An

Sep 15 2015

Each year we ask incoming MFAD students to discuss their favorite work. Today we meet:

Jee Eun An, Seoul, Korea

“One day, I happened to open an old cabinet in the kitchen and found a bunch of crystal ware piled up, all dusty,” recalls Jee Eun An. “My mother brought them when she got married and they had since remained unused.

“I thought that they were like my mother who was once beautiful and shiny but is now somewhat isolated and without vibrancy. So, I made them as a portrait of my mother. We worked together to create each figure. We opened albums to track her memories.

“She arranged the crystal ware into shapes that she felt expressed her spirit through each decade of her life. It was a valuable chance to study my mother for the first time.”

(“Mother From 10 to 60.”  40X40X80cm)

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