portrait of Yimeng Cui
experimental work by Yimeng Cui
block diagram
time game. white logo and text on red background
time is precious. It's too easy to waste.
students experimenting

Class of 2017: Yimeng Cui

Sep 28 2015

Each year we ask incoming MFAD students to discuss their favorite work. Today we meet:

Yimeng Cui, Seoul, Korea

“This project is invented to be a two-player game,” explains Yimeng (Vivian) Cui.” Participants are asked to put several EEG sensor pads on their temples and pulse to collect brain activity data.

“The brain waves show up on the display, and the hourglass will tilt to the side of whichever player focuses more and uses time more wisely. Whichever player has“gained” the most time per the hourglass will be named the winner.”

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