A graphic showing a book containing pictures of people some stickers and a map of the earth.
A cover of a notebook with sketches on it and the text: OUTPUT 15.
A piece of paper with a yellow ball printed on it, some text and a signature. The title for the paper is: Out Put 15.

Colt Wins :Output

Feb 21 2013

MFAD 2013 Masters candidate Justin Colt was selected as one of the winners and recipient of the “:Output Award;” the work will appear in the”:Output Yearbook.”

“The :Output Award is the biggest competition for students in design and architecture worldwide. The competition is not open to ‘professionals’ and one must be enrolled in an academic institution to submit a project. In fact, 15 years ago, :output itself began as a student project, as a final thesis at the University of Art and Design in Bremen, Germany.

Every year more than 1.000 students from more than 30 different countries submit their best projects to the competition. A jury of international renowned designers and professors make a selection which is published in the annual ‘:Output Yearbook’.”

Colt’s submission from Stefan Sagmeister’s “Touch Someone’s Heart” class, ‘Delivering Golden Cheeseburgers to Fast Food Employees

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