A photo of three persons in a room.
A photo of a group of persons siting at a few restaurant tables while talking.
A photo of a group of persons sitting on couches around the table and drinking from champagne glasses.
A photo of a group of persons standing near a table while checking some books and flyers.
A photo of a group of persons siting in a hall room and talking.
A photo of a man giving a lecture while behind him is a typographic letter on a white projected screen.
A photo of a person holding a black poster with white letters in the middle that say SPQR.
A photo of a woman giving a lecture while having behind her the projected white text that says: Imperiale Fascista.
A photo of a woman giving a lecture while having behind her the projected white text on a red brick background that says: Text in Pieces.
A photo of a group of students listening to a lecture given by a person standing in front of a laptop.
A photo of a group of students listening to a lecture given by a person standing in front of a laptop.
A photo of a group of students listening to a lecture and taking notes.
A photo of two people giving a lecture with the title: SVA Masters Workshop in Rome, projected on a screen.
A photo of a group of people sitting on pink chairs, talking and comparing lecture notes.

Day Fourteen: Finalmente Crit

Jun 12 2010

Two weeks sped by. Only a week ago, the final Venice Crit took place. Tonight at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni marked the finalmente crit, where workshoppers revealed the fruits of the Roman branch of the journey. They had only three days to produce their books, posters, animations and websites on how type and typography in Roma impacted their respective lives. The results were inspiring, even for the faculty and critics.

The critics:
Carlo Martino: Architect and designer, Sapienza Università di Roma.

Cristina Chiappini: Vice presidente, AIAP, Associazione Italiana progettazione per la comunicazione visiva.

Louise Fili: Faculty and founder, Louise Fili Ltd. (New York)

Mauro Zennaro: Faculty and typographer (Rome).

Paola Vassalli: Head of Education Services, Palazzo delle Esposizioni and Scuderie del Quirinale.

Alberto Iacovoni: Director, Instituto Europeo di Design.

Francesco Dondina: Graphic Designer and Chief Principle of Dondina Associati.

Dr. Darius Arya: Faculty; Roman archeologist; co-founder, executive director, American Institute for Roman Culture.

Deborah Adler: MFA Design alumna ’02; President, Deborah Adler Design (New York).

Steven Heller: Co-chair, SVA MFA Design.
Lita Talarico – Co-chair, SVA MFA Design.

Jessie Bunning – combined Imperial and Fascist style types to make a new face.
Marie Coons – created an app for abbreviations based on Roman letters.
Lydia Del Bianco – charted the (R)evolution of Latin types and created her own derivations.
Agatha Gallagher – developed a Roman-inspired alphabet.
Jennifer Glaser – Found the words/type in Roman mosaics.
Sarah Gorski – developed a face made up entirely of ligatures.
Regan Johnson – analyzed Roman type based on angularities and produced contemporary models.
Rafia Mahli – re-interpreted Fascist block sans serif inscription for a more poetic outcome.
Kathy Mueller – created advertisements for learning the Roman letter.
Andrew Passas – re-interpreted epigraphy in Rome.
Leen Sadder – explained the origins of Roman numerals.
Paul Soulellis – developed SPQR letters based on analysis of Roman “hot spots.”
Virgilio Tzaj – made a scrapbook tracing the letter V in Rome.
Sylvia Villada – scoured the city for examples of ancient and contemporary graffiti.
Devin Washburn – design “Angelica,” a typeface based on the Biblioteca Angelica.

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