A photo of a girl enjoying an ice-cream while walking trough Venice.
A photo of a group of people talking while one of them has an envelope in her hand.
A photo of a person working an old paper press machine while other people watch.
A photo of a group of people sitting in an art workshop.
A photo of a girl looking at some fresh prints in an art workshop.
A photo of a group of people looking at seahorse card prints on a glass shelf.
A photo of a group of people climbing some street stairs.
A photo of a woman sitting at a laptop in a room.

Day Two: Gianni Basso, etc.

May 31 2010

Photos by Jonathan Ro-Scofield

The first day of the Masters Workshop began with Louise Fili’s Tipografica Italiana. From there the class made a bee-line to Gianni Basso’s letterpress print shop on Calle Fumo. Basso (the Venetian Gutenberg) does not own a computer and all his type is metal. He showed the students the business cards and ex libris he’s made for the likes of Paul Rand, Scott Turow, and Danielle Steele. We calculate the participants took over 250 photographs of everything from his presses to his beautifully lettered correspondence.

This was followed by a discussion of possible projects by participants (over gelato) with ideas galore bubbling to the surface. With their missions decided, the group fanned throughout Venice to find their source material. More tomorrow.


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