A photo of a group of people standing in a classroom with a projector screen behind them.
A group of people watching a projected screen video that shows metallic letters used on a printing press.
A photo of a group of people sitting at a table.
A photo of a group of people sitting at a conference table while working on laptops.
A photo of two people giving a lecture while behind them there is a projector screen with a checkered design and the text Design Italia written on some red squares.

Dispatches From Down Under 4

Oct 27 2010

Photos by Grant Ellmers

Dateline Wollongong University. The Design Entrepreneur Masters Workshop (which will be reported on in more detail in later posts) is over. The third (and final) year Wollongong students surpassed expectations in their proposals for unique and relevant products and campaigns. Grant Ellmers coordinated the workshop and additional lectures. And his students were well up to the task.

See more about Wollongong.

More to come . . .


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