A photo of a woman wearing a red scarf while having coffee at a restaurant.
A photo of a group of people sitting at a table in a restaurant.
A photo of two people giving a lecture while behind them there is a projector screen with a logo and text: The SVA Design Entrepreneur Masters Workshop design.sva.edu.
A photo of two people giving a lecture while behind them there is a projector screen with a logo and text: MFA DESIGNER AS AUTHOR, SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS.

Dispatches From Down Under 5

Oct 28 2010

After a stimulating workshop, three lectures and one panel discussion at Wollongong, where entrepreneurial thinking was extolled and “design thinking” was questioned, the MFAD co-chairs communed with faculty and students. Photos here are by the cordial and generous host at UOW, Grant Ellmers.

He even managed to get into one of the pictures too (bottom with vest).

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