A photo of a person giving a lecture while sitting in front of a panel on which a red robot with an M is drawn.
A photo of a person giving a lecture while sitting in front of a panel on which a red robot with an M is drawn. Also there are a blue and red balloons with text Meet The Makers on them.
A photo of a group of people listening to a lecture and watching something on a tv screen.
A photo of a group of people listening to a lecture and watching something on a tv screen.

Don’t Eat the Raspberry Pi

Nov 10 2015
MFAD’s  tech director, Ron Callahan, was invited by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to talk about his project The Raspberry Heights Workshop at Barnes and Noble in Union Square as part of their nation wide Mini Maker Faire over the weekend.
The talk covered resources for computer education, the importance of creativity and Astro-Pi the Raspberry Pi heading to the International Space Station next month.
Now in their third year, The Workshop aims to teach children aged 6-11 about computers, programming and electronics while having fun using tiny Raspberry Pi computers. In his successful program, mini computer scientists build, program and engineer projects designed for beginners and intermediate level experience. Students come from all over New York City and Long Island to participate in the weekend workshops.
To learn more about Raspberry Heights Workshop
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