A still shot from an interview with Nicci Gabriel, Co founder of Duck Duck Moose.
A photo of a children's book showing the continent of Africa.
A still shot from Duck Duck Moose on MSNBC, depicting a yellow school bus with a bird at the door. On the bus the text says: The doors of the bus go open and shut.

Duck Duck Moose

Oct 02 2012

Nicci Gabriel (MFAD ’04) started Duck Duck Moose as a hobby 4 years ago with two friends to create well designed and engaging educational mobile content for children. This week the company raised their first round of venture funding for 7M and have more than 2.4M downloads.

“It is kind of hard to believe, but it has me thinking a lot about my time in the design program and how much it helped me to imagine the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur,” says Nicci. “It was difficult and stressful, but a lovely time in my personal history and it really helped to shape the course of my career.”

She is now in the process of building a team of children’s illustrators and animator. In the meantime, she’s received some great press:

See the profile of Duck Duck Moose on:
Wall Street Journal.
Children’s Technology Review.

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