a collage of images depicting home interior design with a person jumping in the first image and the last image of the collage
portrait of a woman with black long hair
a table with a house model
portrait of four people, two women and two men

Esther Ro-Schofield’s First Ten Years

Sep 25 2013

September 2003, Esther Ro-Schofield, Director of Operations, joined the MFA Design administrative team and has since shepherded ten graduating classes, orchestrated the MFAD fifth, tenth and fifteen anniversary celebrations, participated in founding the Rome Masters Workshop, maintained the MFAD studio, served as faculty and student liaison and much more.

Esther also received her MFA in Computer Art focusing on video art (images above and video here), was nominated for the Distinguished Staff Award and was included in the Wall Street Journal “workwear” style series. She continues to explore different artistic interests including photography, painting and fashion.  Currently Esther writes, edits and photographs a blog called Newyorkstoriedstories.com, which documents retail store window displays in New York City.

Anyone who has worked with Esther will agree that she has created an atmosphere of congeniality — with utmost creativity, intelligence and professionalism makes the MFA Design world better.

We are so thrilled that Esther has been with us for the past ten years. Please join us in congratulating her: eroschofield@sva.edu

Lita Talarico + Steven Heller

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