Pum on Zoom call on mac with fireplace & flowers in the background
election chocolate bars
Pum LeFebure poster

Guest Lecture: Pum LeFebure – Design Army

Oct 01 2020

Emily Roemer

“We design happy” said Pum Lefebure Co-Founder and CCO of Design Army Thursday morning via zoom in her beautiful “all white” home. She expressed, “It’s all color all the time at work, so I like to come home to my all white house.” 

Clients come from near (D.C. area) and as far as Asia and Europe to work with Design Army. The have a very joyous and playful aesthetic that encapsulates the viewer. Whether it’s print design, photography, choreography, interactive, they certainly know how to design to make you smile. 

She advised anyone who wants to start a business should have brand key words to live by. She told us that she always wanted her brand to be happy and spread joy — and that shines right through. 

Looking at their work for Harper Macaw called ‘Sweeter Politics” you can tell that even with a touchy subject like politics, Design Army accomplishes a playful and fun design. There is also some satire mixed into the names and illustrations on the bars that is top notch. The ‘Left Wing’ bar is ‘full of nuts’ and by that I mean it quite literally has all different kinds of tree nuts in it. 

She went on to talk about how she draws inspiration from so many different forms of art  — but never graphic design. She especially likes getting inspired by fashion, interior design, and architecture. She wrapped the lecture up with a quote by Tibor Kalman, her ‘hero’. It read, “When you make something no one hates, no one loves it.” 

Everyone enjoyed hearing her words of wisdom and appreciated the time spent with us. To check out her firm, Design Army, follow the link here: www.designarmy.com

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