Ascreenshot of a browser with a list. The text says: Listen Close. Paul Sahre. Jessica Helfand. Nicole Jacek. OCD. James Victore. Allan Chochinov. Deborah Adler. Steve Heller Lita Talarico. Arem Duplessis. Julia Hoffmann.

Heller and Talarico Get Close

Jan 15 2013

SVA design undergrad Jeff Close interviews MFAD co-chairs Steven Heller and Lita Talarico about design, design education and design entrepreneurship on his internet radio show.

From Listen Close: “Steven Heller and Lita Talarico have been at the forefront of design education for quite some time. They are the chairs of successful Masters programs in design and have really pushed the MFA status quo. I ask them why it’s so important to have education as a designer, and as they relay a multitude of important specifics I realize this show is not to be missed.”

Listen in here.

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