An sketched drawing of an electronic tablet and how a man can use it.

iPad and the Future of Magazines.

Feb 08 2010

MFAD co-chair Steven Heller is quoted in Michael Cannell’s Fast Company blog about the future of magazine design on the iPad.

“Steven Heller, a prolific commentator on graphic topics and a former art director at The New York Times, says the new breed of creative directors, like Behive, RG/A and Number 17 are learning to combine their typographic skills with video to create the kind of memorable experience an older generation associated only with print. The result is a kind of hybrid of graphic designer and videographer–Milton Glaser crossed with Spike Jonze. ‘Maybe programmers can’t see it, but if they’re paired with smart editors and savvy designers there is no telling what the next generation of online magazines could be,’ Heller said. As long as the public can have access to great stories, good typography and superb visuals, it’s possible we’ll forget all about paper magazines.”


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