A photo of a newspaper showing an image of a blue curtain and a babyface on it. The title of the news article is: The Secret Sponsor.

Jinah Minh’s Week in Review

Oct 11 2010

Jinah Minh (MFAD ’10) collaborated with Paul Sahre, with whom she is interning, to produce an illustration for the front page of the Oct 3 New York Times Week in Review. Bravo to Jinah and Paul.

The story, “The Secret Sponsors” is about how nonprofits can raise unlimited amounts, and spend a good percentage of that on political activities. But they are generally not required to publicly disclose their donors, making them appealing to moneyed interests who prefer to stay in the shadows.

“A recent report by Public Citizen found that in the 2004 elections, 98 percent of outside groups disclosed the names of donors who paid for their political ads; this time around, only 32 percent have done so. The report suggested that groups were taking advantage of a loosening of disclosure requirements and loopholes. Meanwhile, the amount of money spent by these groups skyrocketed to more than $100 million as of last week, more than twice that of the midterms four years ago.”

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