image of Ken Carbone playing guitar
image of Ken Carbone playing guitar
image of Ken Carbone giving guest lecture
image of Ken Carbone giving guest lecture
image of Ken Carbone guest lecture
Ken Carbone guest lecture notes, drawings by a student
Ken Carbone giving lecture on book
Ken Carbone with the image of apple

Ken Carbone’s Drool-Worthy Apples

Nov 04 2018

Ken Carbone is one of those people that you never want them to stop talking. He met with our first year students last week and delivered an autobiographical presentation that consisted of asking eye-opening questions, a mini concert and looking at 365 beautifully-done, drool-worthy apples.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up,” is Ken’s favorite quote, said by Pablo Picasso. Ken never lost that obsession over drawing. He shared with the class his latest art journal and let’s just say, they all had to fight the urge not to run off with it.

In 2015, he challenged himself with the “An Apple A Day” project. No limits, no repetition, and no excuses led to 365 very unique apples. This was a valuable and cherished lesson for our young designers as they continue to engage and grow in the world of design.

As a last big bang, the Founding Partner of Carbone Smolan Agency asked our students, “Do you have a superpower?” While they were thinking of an answer, he revealed his. Ken is a self-taught musical genius and he treated the class by playing some jazz, blues, and rock. Just so cool.

This was truly a guest lecture that our students will remember forever.

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