red alphabets on white background
blue alphabets on white background
yellow alphabets on white background
red, blue and yellow type on white background
Flexnar typeface black on orange background
Flexnar typeface black on orange background
black type on white background
Flexnar typeface orange on black background
Ladislav Sutnar inspired typeface
Ladislav Sutnar inspired typeface
Ladislav Sutnar inspired typeface
Ladislav Sutnar inspired typeface
Flexnar typeface, black on orange background

Ladislav Sutnar-Inspired Typefaces Part 2

Nov 05 2019

Here are another selection of typefaces from the Class of 2021.

  1. Michael Kao did another yet unique interpretation of Sutnar’s toys, using his sky blue, cadmium (orange) and yellow.
  2. Tiffany Pai and Chaoquin Wang collaborated on an expandable Sutnar face called Flexnar.
  3. Roulin Feng‘s interpretation was based on the icons he designed for Carr’s Department Store, particularly a pair of scissors with an abstract shape.
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