A white plate with a black rim, the four cardinal points, a red X in the middle and around it the text: SEAMLESS & STEADFEST A X E BEST MADE CO NEW YORK.
A picture showing a yellow, black and pink extension cords.
A book cover with a man sitting at a desk near a lamp. The title of the book: CAMP X HOME Best Made Company.
A dart target with concentrically colored circles and some darts arrows with red and blue tails that arranged one pointing up and the other pointing down.

Living Up To Its Name: “Best Made”

Nov 04 2013

(Photo of catalog cover Esther Ro-Schofield)

Best Made, the company founded by Peter Buchannan-Smith (MFAD 2000) to sell handmade axes and other outdoor tools, has evolved into providing “quality clothing and tools” for the camp and home. In addition to its walk-up and in store at 36 White Street, New York, Buchannan-Smith’s first printed catalog, beautifully designed, smartly written and alluringly photographed is now available. The Best Made brand promises personalized products in a civilized environment. Visit the Best Made website here. And sign up for the catalog here.

Shown here (follow arrows on image above) are cloth covered extension chord, Belgian darts, and the branded Best Made enamel plates.


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