A black and white photo of a group of people doing some kind of exercise in a hall.
A black and white photo of a group of people that hold different objects above their heads.
A black and white photo of a group of people, some facing a wall and some laying on the ground.

Maira Kalman presents Obstacle

Apr 05 2013

For fifteen years, MFA Design has been pushing the boundaries of what constitutes design, and Wednesday night was no exception. In Studio Four at City Center, the first year students presented a dance performance called Obstacle. This was the culmination of a nine week journey into the unknown under the guidance of Maira Kalman and choreographer John Heginbotham. Even though the majority of us had no prior dance experience whatsoever, with Maira’s vision and John’s expertise, we were able to design something that the audience found beautiful and even moving. It was a wonderful lesson in collaboration and trust, and we all had a lot of fun along the way.

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