A group of 3d images that depict fingers tied with black ribbons, two hands grabbing each other, a fist and some grain looking brown pieces.

Meet the Class of 2010

Nov 24 2009

Student: Meital Gueta
Project: Body Image

Body image refers to our perception, thoughts, feeling and reaction to our looks.
We hold an idealized image of the body that we use to measure the percepts and concepts of our own body. Researches showed that the loss of a limb by amputation could often lead to a long-term disorder in the individual’s body experience.

The project ‘Body Image’ deals with a series of prosthetic arms, each refer to a specific body image of amputees and deals with a different aspect of that image. For example- ‘context’ – What makes something part of us when it left the context of our body? The feeling amputees have towards the changes in their body and not being comfortable exposing their limb in public. The constant thoughts of the missing part, more than the existence of the new prosthetic arm.

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