A photo of three people standing.
A black and white photo of a person working on a miniature city setup put in a box.
A photo of a person in front of a wall filled with different artwork like picture of hieroglyphs, maps, eye control chart letters, hand imprints and others.
A black and white photo of a woman holding a book with a picture of her from behind and from a side.
A black and white photo of a man and a woman checking some pinned notes on a wall.
A photo of a man wearing a black dress and white pants, while leaning his head on a hand.

MFA Design Fifteen Years – First Students

Jan 10 2013

Photos from 1998-2000 include
Matt Gilbert/Miriam Bossard
Peter Buchanan Smith
Miriam Bossard
Yi Liu/Amy Unikewicz/Miriam Bossard
Christina Burckhart
Nick Miraglia

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