The image of nine Z shapes that are colored green with different shades. Also there are different styled because some of them have stair like structures on them.
An image depicting logos for a vitamin shop. One is an orange ellipse with blue in the middle and the other is A V shape made from circles that have a gradient rainbow texture.
An image depicting logos for website. One is an icon of a blue and green house with a white Z in the middle and the other is a turquoise Z 3D shape with stairs on the middle line.
The image shows nine different V letter color gradients for a Vitamin logo shop.
A photo of a group of people sitting in a classroom and talking while on the wall there ae some colorful scarfs hanged.


Nov 18 2010

MFADers have been actively blogging. First year students Tim Hucklesby remakes The Vitamin Shop logo and Adam Katz perfects on “Brand New Classroom” (one of Milton Glaser’s projects), and second year student Lillian Lee writes in CRIT about Travis Meinolf, “a San Franciscan transplant living in Berlin, has been spreading his love of weaving for many years.”(Five of MFADers met with him (below) at the gallery space where his show was being held for a workshop on weaving.)

Read them here

And even more here

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