people chatting while they are sitting at a dining table in a restaurant
people chatting while they are sitting at a dining table in a restaurant
people chatting while they are sitting at a dining table in a restaurant
group photo of twelve people

MFAD Alumni Reunite

Oct 02 2013

Photos by Esther Ro-Schofield

This fifteenth anniversary for MFA Design is highlighted by our Alumni gatherings. On Monday, members of the Classes of 2000, 2001 and 2013 assembled at Spice Market for memories, updates and plenty of amazing food (rice included).

In attendance (see photo) were (front) Lita, Steve and Esther and (back from right) Ron, Peter Buchanan-Smith (MFAD 2000) Martina Salisbury (MFAD 2000), Justin Colt (MFAD ’13), Amy Unikewicz (MFA 2000), Yi Liu (MFAD 2000), Tania Mailangkay (MFAD ’01), Jose Fresneda (MFAD ’13), Miriam Bossard (MFA 2000) and missing is Alex Cho (2000).


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