a man standing behind two rows of chairs with portraits on them
two rows of chairs with portraits on them
a man standing behind two rows of chairs with portraits on them and the man holds in his hands a sign with "please be quitet"

O’Callaghan’s Latest Chair Project

Jan 13 2012

For 3D Product Realization, Kevin T. O’Callaghan gave the first year MFADers a child’s chair and a photo of a historic person as a child — they did not know who the picture was. They were asked to re-imagine the chair to make a statement about the childhood motivations that led them to become what they became as adults -good and bad.

The historic persons:

Albert Einstein, Alexander McQueen, Amy Winehouse, Andy Warhol, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley, Frankly Lloyd Wright, Adolf Hitler, Jack Kerouac, Jackson Pollock, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Lennon, Man Ray, Marc Zukerberg, Paul Reubens, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Marilyn Monroe, Freddie Mercury, Tiger Woods.

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