A photo of three posters showing black and white photos of people holding cardboards in front of them with different supportive texts. The background of the posters are a set of colorful pictograms.
A photo of two magazines with articles and colorful photos of people. One of them has the logo UCP and the title InTouch.
A photo of macarons made from blue, red, green yellow, pink and purple paper. On one of them is the text: You're always in a good mood. I'm happy when you're with me.

Reach Out to United Cerebral Palsy

Feb 26 2011

For Stefan’s ‘Can design touch someone’s heart?’ project first year student Soo Ji Han decided to touch the hearts of staff and clients of United Cerebral Palsy. “My posters [below top] were on display in windows along 122 East 23rd Street for two months,” she says. “After I finished this project I got an e-mail from UCP marketing manager.”

The pictures are FABULOUS! I would like to use the pictures in an internal newsletter to go to ALL 1500 staff at UCP.Is there a way we can get them in the format that Laura Hickman had asked about? I think your faculty should be pleased that ultimately all the staff at UCP will see these images.Congrats!

Last week Soo Ji received UCP’s internal newsletter (below bottom).

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