collage of two photos with a person driving a car
a presentation of a website in an exhibition gallery
we the women  black logo

Saudi Women Protest Driving Prohibition

Oct 25 2013

This past week the news is filled with stories about the protests in Riyad, Saudi Arabia, against the nationwide driving prohibition for women. In 2009 MFA Design alumna Areej Kahn (MFAD ’09) was among the leaders that charged the barricades with her thesis, “We The Women,” which garnered major press (here and here). See Areej’s thesis page here.

“Though no law bans women from driving, women are not issued licenses in the ultraconservative kingdom. No women have been arrested trying to drive in recent weeks. However, in years past, women were charged with disturbing public order.” (NPR)

Areej launched a sticker-based protest whereby women (and men) made their opinions known on whether or not to lift the ban. She also made a video of herself driving, which was a punishable offense. This stand put her in the line of fire, just as women are doing right now.

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