A cover of a white book with the title: Design for People. Stories about how (and why) we all can work together to make things better.
A set of cards showing colorful drawings interlaced with photos of dogs, hydrants, a ribbon, a woman, a button or a lip.

Scott Stowell is an Open Book

Dec 10 2014

Scott Stowell is an MFAD faculty member and proprietor of the design studio in New York City called Open. “Over the last fifteen years we’ve made (and learned) a lot of stuff,” he says in a Kickstarter campaign to fund his first monograph Design for People. It is a “unique book full of the real people behind our work telling the true stories behind our work. It’s a documentary, a guidebook, and an obsession.”

It’s designed by Open. And contributors can get a copy hot off the presses. There are 12 days left to open up for Open. Go here to contribute.

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