a man speaking on the microphone on a stand

Stowell Sums Up Thesis 2012

Apr 24 2012

Faculty member, proprietor of OPEN and National Design Award winner Scott Stowell was this year’s Thesis Forum end-note speaker.

He wittily imparted bits and bites of wisdom. He spoke about being “loud and clear” about work and rationales, but added, “We can say all we want but if we say it to the wrong people its not going to work out.”

He noted “I don’t teach to get students to work a certain way. I teach to get students to do what they can do.” And he explained that everything is a learning experience and from the Thesis Forum participants “Today I learned a lot.”

Scott’s candid, caustic and celebratory oratory was the cherry on the cake.

See and hear him on our ustream channel.

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