man looking at camera with glasses, black hair, and a blue hooded jacket

Student Spotlight: Linjiu Tong

Oct 12 2023

Meet Linjiu Tong, one of our MFAD Class of 2025 students.

Hometown: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Lingjiu is a Chinese graphic designer currently living in NYC.

man looking at camera with glasses, black hair, and a blue hooded jacket

Featured Work

Energy bar packaging designed with batteries as a metaphor. Most technological products need to be charged. In the current society, many people including myself live like machines, repeating the same routine every day. If the human body is the most sophisticated machinery, how do we charge them physically and mentally? 

multiple energy bar boxes with turquoise and orange package design
close up of energy bar boxes with turquoise and orange package design
front of energy bar box with turquoise and orange packaging
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