colorful graphic poster illustration of a man with glasses
group photo of students in a library

Studio Visit: Collins

Apr 09 2024

poster by Pei-Che Lin

The first-year students traveled to Brooklyn to visit the design studio of long time faculty member and advisor Brian Collins last week. The visit ignited a spark of creativity and ambition, motivating them to push the boundaries of their own design work and aspire to similar levels of innovation and impact in their future careers.

Brian Collins’ design firm is renowned for its transformative approach to design, focusing on creating new futures rather than just optimizing the present. The firm is a go-to for companies on the brink of change, blending creativity with commercial logic to initiate chain reactions that unlock new business value, turn niches into the next big thing, transform legacy brands into trailblazers, and unite company cultures.

With over 15 years of experience, the firm continuously invents new ways to prove that imagination at scale drives transformation at scale. Their services include everything from Brand Creation to Brand Restructuring.

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