A photo of two people sitting at a conference table in front of a laptop.
A photo of two women standing in a conference hall.
A photo of a group of students sitting in a conference hall and following a lecture.

The Maker Generation

Jun 01 2014

Last Friday co-chairs Lita Talarico and Steven Heller gave a lecture at our partner school LaSapienza titled “The Maker Generation: The Designer as Entrepreneur.” The message was, we are all makers or potential makers in this current design environment. The duo showed work of practicing design makers and graduates from 2013 and 2014 MFA Design. Our host Carlo Martino (with Steve, above) introduced the talk. A copy of “Graphic: Artists and Designers Sketchbooks” was raffled off to one of Martino’s design LaSapienza design students. (Lita with the lucky winner, above.)

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