an arrangement with white circles and patterns in them on a black background
black rounded lines and shapes at the bottom of the image on a white background
mushroom men banner
a black and white image of two bananas
an image of thin sliced sticks in black and white
m letter stamped on a book's paper

The Practice of Textuality

Apr 21 2011

Two type videos designed for Gail Anderson’s “Just Type” class by first year MFAD students Derek Munn and Bruno Zalum are currently part of an exhibit at the Instituto Cultural de Leòn, in Mexico (April 14 – July 3, 2011)

The exhibit is called The Practice of Textuality and all links are in spanish
Top (3 images): ‘Orgie Dyslexique‘ by Zalum.

Bottom (3 images): ‘Mushroom Men‘ by Munn.

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