a snapshot of people at an exhibition
group photo of people at the exhibition
photo of a tall man and a woman shorter then him
a group photo of two men and a woman
photo of three people sitting on a bench and looking on iPads
a group photo of two men and a woman
overview of a video presentation projected on a wall in the exhibition room
overview of a video presentation projected on a wall in the exhibition room
people looking at a presentation projected on the wall
bunch of people being part of an exhibition
two people sitting on a bench with iPads in their hands
a table with a pile of fabric objects and flyers
a man sitting on a bench is looking interested at an iPad's screen

Thesis 2011 Opening Night II

May 06 2011

IDEOPOLIS the thesis exhibition and iPad Magazine opened on Thursday night, May 5. Here is Esther Ro-Scofield’s Photo Diary Part II.

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