people working on the preparations of the designer as exhibition event
people working on the preparations of the designer as exhibition event
designer as sticker installed on the wall
a man installing the designer as sticker on the wall
two people installing the designer as sticker on the wall
a woman working on a red rounded table in the exhibition gallery
people installing designer as posters on the wall
people preparing the chairs with stickers for the designer as exhibition
people installing a red rounded table in the designer as exhibition gallery
people preparing the chairs with stickers for the designer as exhibition
people installing a red rounded table in the designer as exhibition gallery

Thesis Launch: Assembly Required

Apr 25 2012

First there was Thesis Defense. Then came Thesis Forum. Now prepare for Thesis Launch curated by Ada Whitney. The Thesis 2012 festivities continue with the April 27 opening and May 2 celebration of MFA Design’s digital exhibition at The Westside Gallery.

As of this report, the installation is in progress, the iPad Thesis publication is being fine-tuned, and the digital lounge is being readied to showcase this new batch of entrepreneurial ventures.

Opening Friday, April 27. Launch Party, Wednesday May 2; 6 – 8 pm, At SVA Westside Gallery, 601 West 26th Street / 15th Floor.

The Thesis Lounge will be open until May 12.

(Photos by Katie Estes and Ada Whitney)

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