unknown banner laid on the floor and a man is sitting on the bottom part of it
a man working on a large banner
a man working on a large scale banner
a man working on a large scale banner

Touching Hearts: Francesco Izzo

Jan 13 2012

For Stefan Sagmeister’s final “Touch Someone’s Heart” class first year MFA Design students created a variety of projects on the theme of “What I Learned in My Life, So Far.” Over the next few days we will survey some of them.

Fancesco Izzo used the phrase “the unknown is a new chance.”

“Why the Unknown? Taking chances on what I don’t know has been an important part of my life especially in these last years. Deciding to move to US starting a new job first, deciding then to move to New york and starting this new life in the MFA design program, both these steps have revealed to be very important choices in my life, especially in those moments where I couldn’t really see that clear. I knew something important was going to happen but everything started from stepping into the ‘Unknown.’

Ultimately deciding to try what I hadn’t tried or lived before opened my life to new chances never explored, scaring and thrilling at the same time.”

Watch the video.

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