scratch your own itch banner with an image of a scratched abdomen under the text
scratch your own itch word scratched on a persons skin
scratch your own itch word scratched on a persons skin

Touching Hearts: Kathleen Fitzgerald

Jan 12 2012

For Stefan Sagmeister’s final “Touch Someone’s Heart” class first year MFA Design students created a variety of projects on the theme of “What I Learned in My Life, So Far.” Over the next few days we will survey some of them.

Kathleen Fitzgerald chose “scratch your own itch”

“I am often flooded with many thoughts and ideas and sometimes fail to fulfill all of them. By fixating on my concepts and deciding to find solutions, I find relief and solace in the process.

For this project, I focused on a skin condition called dermographia in which the skin is raised and irritated upon touch. I was able to stencil my phrase onto my model and create a video of the reaction appearing. Due to different conditions and reactions to this process, I have arranged future test shoots to continue recording footage and will share those accordingly.”

Watch the video.

And see her collaboration with Lizzy Showman touching the hearts of NYC bus drivers:

Watch the video.

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